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Coffee sale, tea and soft drinks, artisanal roasting - Les cafés de L'Alios in Biscarrosse

Family business created in 1981, "Les Cafés de L'Alios" is always present on Biscarrosse to make you discover or re-discover the joys of artisanal flavours.

Specialized in coffee, we roast our beans ourselves to offer you a maximal quality and freshness.

In addition to our 14 style of coffee we have a selection of 70 Teas,  and to complete, fresh drinks, chocolocates, cocktails, milkshakes, etc....

We hope sharing with you our love for these drinks and make you discover unforgettable flavours.


 Coffee selection of the month !!!


Strong attack, notes of dried fruits. Sweetness and aromatic complexity.

Final reminiscent of the apple of love.

6€50 per 250 gr


During summer season, our schedules:


Monday7h - 13h / 14h30 - 19h
Tuesday7h - 13h / 14h30 - 19h
Wednesday7h - 13h / 14h30 - 19h
Thursday7h - 13h / 14h30 - 19h
Friday7h - 13h / 14h30 - 19h
Saturday7h - 13h / 14h30 - 19h
Sunday7h - 13h / 14h30 - 19h